As a somewhat new designer here at Design the Planet, (I interned here last summer before I graduated) I have been here for 70 days, and so I ask myself, “What have I learned” in that time? Well…

1. Time is of the essence.
2.  The office is best run on the frequency of good coffee and complex key commands.
3.  Nothing beats working with nice people.
4.  Never stop asking questions.
5.  Learn something new every day.
6.  Have a little fun in your work!
7.  Get along.
8.  Sometimes, it’s best to avoid restrictive color boxes that work their bad-idea mojo on your type-based advertisement.
9.  Keep one’s healthiness next to achieving WOW work in priority…right under deadlines.
10. It’s all about strategy to get your name out on top (of NASA). [If you Google “Design the Planet” NASA comes up before us, office pet peeve.]
11. Show your true color – even when you have no clue what something like a hops vine looks like…
12. Love your clients.
13. Break for a change of gears: don’t spend too long looking at the same project.
14. Trust your above-average instincts.
15. There is always something to do.
16. Learn from your mistakes.
17. Keep it simple.