Custom Website Development (a.k.a. Custom Website Programming) is comprised of complicated code that drives a whole website, app or application. It isn’t directly seen or interacted with by the customer, but instead may tie into databases, manage user connections, or process form data, to name a few examples. A few custom programming languages include JavaScript, PHP, Python, Java, the list goes on…

Custom Website Programming - Design the Planet - A New Orleans Marketing Company

Why is Custom Website Development important?

The list is long but we will try to keep it reasonable. While we love WordPress for most website development projects, it sometimes just can’t do all that is needed. Maybe your website needs to interface with a land-based database to pull real-time data? Maybe you need a website that goes way beyond e-commerce. Do you need an app and website that work together? Do you want to create a SaaS (software as a service) so that you have 100% ownership of all code and can re-sell what was created? These are all great opportunities for Custom Website Development.

How do we use it to benefit you?

The real benefit is that we know our stuff and you don’t have to waste time and resources building something half-way only to find out either the team you hired really can’t do the work or that they have chosen the wrong tools to get you there. We hate for any business to have to pay twice to get the job done right, but we have seen it happen. We have custom programmers and we are not afraid to use them!

Sometimes custom development or plugins are added to our WordPress sites to do something special for you or your clients and sometimes a website or interface needs to be built from scratch to achieve other goals. We can build almost anything online… it just takes investment on your part and a lot of planning and creation time for us to do it right.

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