As social media and mobile apps continue to play an ever-increasing role of importance in the world of marketing brands, marketing has begun to shift and evolve at a rate that is more challenging to keep up with. The constant innovation of web and mobile technology has left some marketers scrambling to keep up and stay on top of the trends, resulting in less clarity in their overall message. One way that you can be sure that you’re making the most of your marketing strategy is to employ integration throughout all appropriate channels whenever possible. Here are a few examples of how you can accomplish this, courtesy of PR Web:
Email and Social Media: There are many ways that you can tie these two modes of communication together to achieve consistency and optimum visibility within your brand. For example, including links to your social media accounts within your email signature unobtrusively reminds clients and prospective customers that they can connect with you through these outlets, and it takes out any guesswork involved in trying to find your account. Additionally, you can link directly to items that you have shared on your social media accounts within your email blasts-fun videos, interesting articles, etc.-giving your readers a specific reason to visit your account and get involved in the conversation.
Press Releases and Social Media: Press releases are a great way to generate buzz about something new or exciting that your company or a client has achieved, whether it is winning an award, debuting a new product, or publishing new information that is relevant to your target market. However, there are ways that you can use social media to up the buzz factor and encourage conversation about the news featured in your press release. For instance, you could include a hashtag within your press release that makes it easy for readers to talk about the information and engage in discussion about it on Twitter. With every retweet, favorite, and response, you will be maximizing your brand’s visibility!
What are some other creative ways you have implemented integration as part of your marketing strategy? We are interested to know about different ways that integration has helped you drive your message home successfully! Feel free to drop me a line anytime! #mediamavenout