So… You want to make a captivating marketing video for your business?

The power of video marketing can’t be denied.
Not all videos are easy to produce.
Design the Planet created and produced two video spots to advertise Lakeside Shopping Center Holiday events.
Using these as examples, I’ll show you how we utilize the power of video for our clients.

YouTube video

YouTube video

Video for marketing is extremely effective!

Video advertising has been one of the most effective methods of reaching audiences since videotape was invented more than 70 years ago.

It’s never been easier to create marketing videos.

Expensive production studios are no longer a requirement. A high-quality video recording device is in your pocket. But, making high quality captivating video for retail marketing is so much more than whipping your phone out and collecting footage.

Your prospects expect marketing videos!

Today, production of short videos and promo commercials for marketing is exploding in popularity due to various new platforms, channels, and screens. Marketing videos disguised as DIY instructions, edu-tainment, customer information as well as the more obvious advertising commercial can be sent directly to mobile devices.

What’s so important about marketing good videos, anyway?

The world’s first television commercial aired on July 1, 1941 during a game between the Brooklyn Dodgers and the Philadelphia Phillies.

YouTube video


Because of the success of this Bulova Watch commercial, big companies have been willing to throw crazy amounts of money at TV ad spots ever since. The right TV commercial at the right time creates a lasting, memorable impression on the viewer.

Consumers have come to expect us to serve up video when possible, and now it’s possible everywhere.

What’s changed in video and advertising?

Today, video is everywhere, not just on the TV screen. Marketers, influencers, and professionals create video for social media posts, delivering information to colleagues and collaborators, product awareness, and more.

YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, FaceBook, are some of the better-known platforms for accessing video-on-the-go, but there are many more.

Video has become a standard and expected element in professional presentations and trainings and is even used in video games to add depth and suspension of disbelief.

Producing a quality marketing video is expensive, right?

A good deal of professional video is still shot in studios with professional backdrops, lighting and editing. If you are seeking good quality and need to save a few dollars consider this. Marketers can now shoot fairly good quality material with higher-end smartphones, compact lighting and sound equipment. For best results though, we suggest you hire professionals who have the right equipment for pre and post production.

Top uses for video and commercials:

•    Television advertising, certainly, like the days of old
•    YouTube Pre-roll – ads delivered before you view a featured video
•    Videos on your own website or blogs
•    Google search results – sidebars often include video of products
•    Posting on social media channels like FaceBook Reels, Tik Tok, etc.

How does one make a strong impactful video?

Here are the steps to develop a captivating retail video?

Step 1:

Answer two important questions:

  1. What is the marketing goal of the video?
  2. Who is the audience?

Other important questions include:

  1. What marketing channels will the video be delivered on?
  2. What is our maximum budget for the video production?
  3. When does the video need to be ready?
  4. What are the constraints to the project?

Step 2: 

With these questions answered, we begin the creative process.

For Lakeside Shopping Center, we identified two marketing goals:
  1. Create awareness and drive interest (audience: mostly local moms and kids) for “Santa’s Arrival Celebration.”
  2. Remind and entice the public to shop at the multitude of stores at Lakeside Shopping Center for the holidays.

Step 3:

This is the process we followed to achieve these goals.

retail video shoot prop

The handmade gift tag featured in the retail commercial video

  1. Develop a few themes and see what can drive the video campaign and other creatives. The campaign included ads, billboards, radio, and more (the channels!)
  2. The theme we decided on was “Wish.”
  3. Begin script development and ideation of what audiences will see on the screen. We knew we wanted to make it a little funny but intriguing.
  4. Tool and retool the script. With large retailers like Dillards, Macy’s, JC Penney, and 100 other retail shops represented, it can be weeks before approval.
  5. Find the right “voice” for Lakeside’s new Wish campaign.
  6. Identify and hire the right talent to be the heroes of the videos. (Good Santas are hard to find!) They must be capable of meeting the physical requirements of the shoot.
  7. Make or buy the props. Buy or make the costumes. Test the talent.
  8. Identify the right video production team like Kartoffel Films and makeup artist. (Careful! Every team is different in skill, experience, and equipment.)
  9. Nail down the location to build a huge scenic white winter background.
  10. Find a day where all of the writers, actors, directors, team members, and more can converge on the location.

Step 4:

Shoot day.

YouTube video

Lots of coffee. Lots of Lights, Camera, Action. There’s energy and a lot of waiting around for the next scene or setup. There is a ton of magic in the air when you are on the set.

Many things will make a big difference later in post-production: Camera angles explored. Lighting focused or soft. Sound checks. Wardrobe tape. Props being glued together, etc. (you didn’t think the male model is really balancing all those gifts did you?)

Step 5:

Putting it all together.

 After 10 hours of shooting for the two videos, we make the real magic happen. This is when professional quality editing comes in, splicing together action, voice-overs, and music to make amazing marketing videos.

The videos must grab the viewers’ attention, captivate them, while reflecting the client’s holiday advertising message.


Be flexible and ready to adapt!

Retail commercial photo of the set and actors

Retail commercial photo of the set and actors

Day of the shoot.

We had to be ready to make decisions on the fly, like there was no tomorrow.

There was no tomorrow!

We had to get everything we needed in one long day.

Did I mention lots of coffee?

What else do you need?

Have back-up props and some duct tape.

And, if you need more pro tips please give us a call.

How to get started making videos for your business & marketing goals:

Professional and polished, or rough and gritty? This will determine your budget, equipment needs and production team. Keep your goals and audience always in mind! Make sure you deliver what your audience expects and will respond to.

Don’t know where to start or don’t want to DIY it… get help!