In the past week, two more big names have joined the Twitter ranks. A popular sports TV show on ESPN called Pardon The Interruption (PTI) is now on Twitter and after a few days they’ve already added “tweeting” to their regular vocabulary. PTI will discuss what is happening in the sports world as it happens instead of waiting for their show to air the news (PTI’s Twitter). Also, on the way to work, I heard a local radio show, Big D & Bubba, is now tweeting. They mentioned posting pictures of guests in their studios and tweeting from remote broadcasts & concerts. (Big D & Bubba’s Twitter)
Here are some great ways to market your business through a social media source like Twitter – you can talk about new services, post your thoughts on particular topics, inform ‘followers’ of private sales, link people to coupons, update seasonal or store hours, and remind your fan base of events and updates in your industry. Note, I mentioned fan base not clients or customers. Think about your customers and clients as “fans of your brand”. Customers do not follow just any store or any professional service if they are not a fan. Your fan base is your biggest support and best referral source, and they will be honest with you about changes for better or worse. You may be amazed who follows your tweets and what responses (@replies) are made. With over 54 million visits in January of this year, Twitter is fast becoming a great resource for companies to reach out and interact with their fan base.
How do you connect and communicate with your fan base? If you’re already on Twitter, what kind of people/companies do you follow?
And here’s our Twitter account of course – @designtheplanet