
TOP 7 – Attributes of a Great Franchisee (to-be)

Why should a person focused on franchise brands and marketing write this blog? 1) We don’t want to keep this a secret. And, 2) Nothing can effect your brand perception as much as a really great franchisee …OR, a very bad one. Every Franchisor is constantly on the lookout for the next Great Franchisee. They may […]


Choosing the RIGHT Franchisees

This week I participated in our regional Franchise Forum of which I am one of the founding members,  and the topic of discussion was choosing “The Right Franchisee”. As you can imagine, this topic was a hot one. Participants included 600+ unit systems like Smoothie King, as well as younger franchises like KidCam and The File Depot,  along with franchise […]



Things To think through before deciding to franchise (Part Two)

The Franchise model of expanding brands into multiple location businesses quickly and efficiently has been around a long time, but that doesn’t mean that starting a franchise is an easy process. Here is Part 2 of Things to Think Through as you are considering whether your Brand has what it takes to become a successful […]



The question is not IF you are different, but HOW you are different. Whether you are a franchise brand, multi-location brand, single-location brand or strictly an online brand, if you can’t answer this integral question about your company, you are missing the holy grail of marketing knowledge. DIF‧FER‧ENT (adj.) 1. Not alike in character or quality. 2. Not identical; separate or distinct. 3. Not ordinary; unusual. […]


Sales, Marketing, & Buyer Personas: The Trifecta of Optimal Brand Delivery

As a team member at Design the Planet, an award-winning brand marketing and design firm that specializes in building and improving franchise and multi-location brands, I help guide our clients through fleshing out their ideal buyer personas as an integral piece of the overall process of effectively connecting with their target audience. Building your buyer […]
