Antares is a custom software development company with offices in Baton Rouge and New Orleans. They have developed custom proprietary software for the US government, Fortune 500 Companies, and local Louisiana Businesses. We were really WOWed and honored when they chose to work with Design the Planet on their website and for other marketing needs.
WE needed to develop a new and sophisticated website that would share their story and their cutting edge expertise. From Cloud Based Applications and Staff Augmentation to Core Business Applications and Portals – they have experience in it all.
WordPress Website +
Visitor Planning and
Marketing Automation
Working with the internal marketing and sales team for Antares Technology Solutions we dug-in-deep to understand their target markets, their unique selling proposition, and their goals for growth to create a website that makes the difference.
The Antares Website was replanned with the idea of simplicity and cross marketing and a few specific goals.
- Help visitors navigate to the part of the site they need faster.
- Highlight information and offerings that had previously been hidden.
- Share the Antares Software Solutions approach to completing projects.
- Cross Market the full technology stack and people solutions.
- Share the depth of project experience Custom Software Improve SEO.
- Connect the website to a robust marketing automation system that can be accessed by anyone in the company.
One of the mega challenges of sharing expertise for a company with so many offerings, and 20+ years of project experience, is making sure info or the right search terms aren’t hidden. The new design features a mega-menu to assist the user in quickly finding what they are seeking.
Adding a Technoloy Stack listing
allowed visitors to understand the vast amount of software and language experience was available through Antares.
Marketing Automation is a must have for all sales focused companies, and for Antares we integrated the 1-2 punch of Marketing Automation combined with a true Sales CRM.
The Proof:
What does Ralph Melian, president and CEO of Antares have to say about our work?
Thanks Ralph - for trusting us!
Antares Technology Solutions counts on Design the Planet for a lot more than a great website:
Ready to discuss your plans for world domination or just some solid business growth?
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