Like everyone else, you’re probably flocking to Online Marketing, Video, SEO, Social Selling, Lead Nurturing and Story Telling. And that’s great. But maybe it’s time for a reality check. It’s time to take an objective look at little things that can hold you back big time as you move your brand forward. Here are some areas to keep a close eye on so, you don’t damage your brand:

1. A Funky Logo

Is your logo being used properly in digital spaces? Is it being stretched, “improved” by staff, or remade by vendors who “don’t have that font”? Don’t put up with it. Your logo is your everything. Protect it.

2. An Inconsistent Email Signature

Does your entire team use a consistent email signature or is everybody doing it “their way”? Email signatures are not a place to express individuality. Insist your employees get with the program.

3. Outdated brochures

Have your brochures been updated in the past two years? If not, it’s time. The last thing you want to do is look outdated.

4. A Stagnant Website

Are you constantly adding to and updating your website? Social Media is great but your aim is to get people to visit your website for the whole story. You’re getting them to click – now teach them something!

5. Old Proposals and RFPs

If you submit proposals or RFPs, do they represent your current brand and call out your strengths? Many companies update their branding but for some reason forget their proposals.

6. New Employees Who Don’t Get It

Are your new employees “living your brand?” It’s important to keep staff educated on how to answer common questions, and even on small things like how to answer the phone correctly. And make sure they keep to the dress-code or wear the uniform properly – every day.

7. Outdated Signage

New signs can be expensive but not as expensive as advertising that you’re outdated to new prospects. Just bite down on that bullet and do it!

8. Old LinkedIn Profiles

Many of your prospects will research your team online before a meeting. Imagine if your employees look like they are still working for another company or even your competition. Ouch!

9. Website Forms That Go Nowhere

Make sure your forms work and that someone is receiving and dealing with them at your office. If an employee who normally receives these forms leaves, make plans for those emails so they don’t get lost in the shuffle.

10. Grandma Office Furniture

If you have the same furniture from 15 years ago, it may be time for an update. (Depending on your industry, it may be time for a BIG update.) You know how it works…You never have a second chance to make a first impression.